Attention: Please Fill Full Name When You Buy From Aliexpress - Aliexpress Forum


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Attention: Please Fill Full Name When You Buy From Aliexpress


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  • Pantera@
    Сообщение от Milan Zivkovic Посмотреть сообщение
    I also want to ask if anyone knowes what do get from being silver,gold and platinum buyers?I still did not feel any change by being silver,only less money on a credit card.
    VIP status of the buyer only gives medals and ratings. No more no advantage.
    Basic regulations and rules:


  • Milan Zivkovic
    The subject of third or as they ask, full name never ends!!I do not belive!When I pushed recently one seller to tell me why are bothering us with that,she said that ALIEXPRESS site gave them that instruction about compulsory full names in Russia.Is anyone going to tell this site about it!!They even opened an office in Moscow they should learn some basic rules.I also want to ask if anyone knowes what do get from being silver,gold and platinum buyers?I still did not feel any change by being silver,only less money on a credit card.


  • Виталий809
    Yes, many sellers insisted on specifying patronymic. One of the users in the forum (it is from China) said that they almost did not send no middle name.These reports earlier in the topic. This, of course, not true.


  • Milan Zivkovic
    I agree and finaly we can continue shoping and if someone insist for the name of your father change the shop.Many times items are sold by couple of them.Yesterday I receive fifteen deliveries from my local post without problem.Between those boxes was the box from the seller who asked me to wright the middle name.I explane that I don,t have and she was reasonable and I have my necklace with me without a problem.Just be persistent in explaining thay it is not necessary.


  • DimAn
    Сообщение от Milan Zivkovic Посмотреть сообщение
    I am a foreigner living and buying from Alli......
    Look this page......
    There is this link.....
    I pass by inadequate sellers who don't understand.


  • Milan Zivkovic
    I am a foreigner living and buying from Alli so that means I do not have three names even if someone asks I do not have it!My documents that I show in Post office have only two names so what?When seller recently asked me about it I explained that I never had a problem so far.Maybe becouse my name sounds foreign and in Post office they understand that.But if someone insists I can not add it to my documents myself!I understood that in your local Post office if they know you you have no problems.If anything change and problems arouse for me not having another name I will post it but I think you can shop without worries and explaine when asked that your parents did not bless you with a middle name.Do not say it is the name of your father,they don.t have a clue.


  • anderson67
    Thanks for your answer.

    While the shipping company is stubborn. And actually customers I meet never know how this goes, so they do not know why, and they will still offer the middle name.

    I will try my best to persuade them.


  • DimAn
    Сообщение от anderson67 Посмотреть сообщение
    ......the shipping company says we can not ship it via China air mail, they even can not pass the China Custom.
    As my friend would tell:
    Here such lousy transport company at you.........
    I for the some hundreds of orders never specified a middle name.
    I write with the first message to each order that I confirm that my full name Dmitry xxxxxxx.
    Many sellers specify, some even force, but never specified. I will quicker refuse the order.
    At most on what I agree if the seller absolutely rests, so it I write him the message of type:
    "My overseas friend that to you was quieter, I assume overall responsibility on receiving a parcel in the territory of Russia without indication of a middle name."
    And if suddenly, the favourite Russian Post, even would hint at problems with receiving........ here I would have fun.
    Simply I when it is sure like to argue that is right.
    Somehow so....... simply cry from the heart.......
    Of course if the trading floor officially introduces this requirement, it is necessary to specify as a middle name something type "Yu", instead of real Yuryevich..........
    The requirement after all will be fulfilled.....

    Русскоязычная версия под спойлером.......
    Скрытый текст: 
    Как сказал бы мой друг:
    Вот такая у вас хреновая транспортная компания.........
    Я за свои несколько сотен заказов ни разу не указывал отчество.
    Пишу первым сообщением к каждому заказу, что подтверждаю, что мое полное имя Дмитрий xxxxxxx.
    Многие продавцы уточняют, некоторые даже заставляют, но ни разу не указывал. Я быстрее откажусь от заказа.
    Я принципиальный......Виталик, подтверди........
    Максимум на что я соглашаюсь, если продавец совсем упирается, так это пишу ему сообщение типа:
    "Мой заморский друг, чтобы тебе было спокойнее, я беру на себя всю ответственность по получению посылки на территории России без указания отчества."
    И если бы вдруг, любимая Почта России, даже намекнула бы на проблемы с получением........вот я бы повеселился.
    Просто люблю я поспорить, когда уверен, что прав.
    Как-то так.......просто крик души.......
    Конечно если торговая площадка официально введет это требование, то придется указать в качестве отчества что-нибудь типа "Yu", вместо реального Юрьевич..........
    Требование ведь будет выполнено.....


  • anderson67
    Update: When I meet Russia customers with 2 name words, the shipping company says we can not ship it via China air mail, they even can not pass the China Custom.

    So we need to contact the customers till he offer the full name, or we need to figure out other shipping methods.


  • anderson67
    Сообщение от Штурман Посмотреть сообщение
    This notice from Aliexpress shows more than a year for orders to Russia. It isn't actual. It never was actual! In Russia for receiving a parcel is necessary only: address, first name and last name of recipient (as on bank card). The full name isn't necessary.

    The official answer from Russian Post about this misunderstanding (March 2013 !!!!!!!!):

    Hm.. I understand quite well. Thank you so much. Actually, it is not for Russia. A Full name or a name can be delivered is required to all over the world.

    While aliexpress publish a wrong policy for over one year. What a pity.

    Thanks again.


  • Штурман
    This notice from Aliexpress shows more than a year for orders to Russia. It isn't actual. It never was actual! In Russia for receiving a parcel is necessary only: address, first name and last name of recipient (as on bank card). The full name isn't necessary.

    The official answer from Russian Post about this misunderstanding (March 2013 !!!!!!!!):


  • anderson67
    No, I read the policy again, this apply to the buyer. And need the buyer and seller to notice it together. Let me explain it again: It means, if the buyer do not fill the full name, then it might affect the buyer to get the package. So the system alert us to confirm the name with buyer. .

    Последний раз редактировалось anderson67; 21-10-14, 11:08.


  • Colombina
    If I understand correctly, This applies to sellers.

    Report the full name, or the buyer can not return the goods.


  • Attention: Please Fill Full Name When You Buy From Aliexpress

    Dear All Russia Customers:

    Today, I got a notice in the Seller system. Due to the adjustment of Russia post office policy, the customer can declare the package only when they offer the Full Name. So when you finish the order, please notice you have filled into the correct name.

    Best regards.

    Update: This is not a new policy. I have asked around, which was taken into effect in 2013, and from other seller's experience, package without full name even can not pass the custom and will be returned to seller directly.

    Последний раз редактировалось anderson67; 21-10-14, 11:06.

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