Промежуточный итог. Диспут - обострение - ответ:
Thank you for contacting Aliexpress. I am sorry to hear that you haven't received your order xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
We have noticed your claim, since the seller failed to chose the shipping method as you hoped. The platform has made the punishment to the seller and even warn him/her. Meanwhile, since this order is without shipping fee, we have no shipping fee to compensate to you. And the package has been shipped out by the seller, this order is under normal transit process, we will protect your benefit according to our rules and regulations.
According to the shipping information with the tracking number UAxxxxxxxxxYP, the package has been shipped out by the seller and it is in transit. Please wait in patience and confirm with us whether you have received the goods by 05/05/2015. We kindly suggest you need positively negotiate with your seller regarding this dispute.
If you have received the goods in good condition, please cancel this claim and confirm order received. If we don't receive any feedback about the product problems after the goods are delivered, we will release the payment to your seller based on the delivery information.
PS: If there’s any agreement reached with the supplier before this case is closed, please provide your supportive evidence on the complaint center. Or AliExpress shall have the right to proceed to handle the Claim based on the supporting documents available and/or the settlement terms reached in the Order Messages within the Time Limit between the Buyer and the Supplier.
Your understanding and cooperation will be appreciated.
Best regards,
AliExpress Case Management Team
Please note that when you cancel the claim, we will assume you agree to release the payment to the seller.
Т.е. придется ждать окончания защиты сделки, после чего снова диспутировать и возвращать средства.
Thank you for contacting Aliexpress. I am sorry to hear that you haven't received your order xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
We have noticed your claim, since the seller failed to chose the shipping method as you hoped. The platform has made the punishment to the seller and even warn him/her. Meanwhile, since this order is without shipping fee, we have no shipping fee to compensate to you. And the package has been shipped out by the seller, this order is under normal transit process, we will protect your benefit according to our rules and regulations.
According to the shipping information with the tracking number UAxxxxxxxxxYP, the package has been shipped out by the seller and it is in transit. Please wait in patience and confirm with us whether you have received the goods by 05/05/2015. We kindly suggest you need positively negotiate with your seller regarding this dispute.
If you have received the goods in good condition, please cancel this claim and confirm order received. If we don't receive any feedback about the product problems after the goods are delivered, we will release the payment to your seller based on the delivery information.
PS: If there’s any agreement reached with the supplier before this case is closed, please provide your supportive evidence on the complaint center. Or AliExpress shall have the right to proceed to handle the Claim based on the supporting documents available and/or the settlement terms reached in the Order Messages within the Time Limit between the Buyer and the Supplier.
Your understanding and cooperation will be appreciated.
Best regards,
AliExpress Case Management Team
Please note that when you cancel the claim, we will assume you agree to release the payment to the seller.
Т.е. придется ждать окончания защиты сделки, после чего снова диспутировать и возвращать средства.